The pattern is from Anna Maria Horner's book, Seams To Me: 24 New Reasons To Love Sewing. It's one of her older books so I found it pretty cheap on ebay with free shipping. After reading a few reviews on the pattern I was a bit worried about it beeing too complicated. I could not have done it without the help of Melanie's tutorial at Texas Freckles. All of the pictures and instructions were so helpful. The pattern pieces were cut Friday night and by Saturday evening I had myself a caddy.

I only needed to cut one piece from the pattern. The rest of the way I followed Melanie's instructions to get a custom fit tube and bottom.

Instagram progress

I wish I could see the bottom all of the time. I should have made the inside bottom with this fabric. Oh well, hindsight...

I way overstuffed it and forgot to use something to support the sides during stuffing. I also got some puckers but don't mind too much. Instead of polyfill maybe some rice or plastic beads would be a better filler to give it some weight. Imperfections and all, I love it! The project involved machine and hand sewing but nothing too bad. It was a nice way to spend an afternoon.

Here is the progress on the robot quilt. I am going to start sewing these together soon.